In this fast-paced, technology dependant world we live in, we need to be sure we are still being polite when approaching modern conveniences such as wedding websites. Here are some tips from the etiquette expert Peggy Post of the
Emily Post Institute:
"Your Web page should represent you as a couple. Take the time to develop a design and content that you are both comfortable with – one that reflects your personal aesthetic style.
Electronic RSVPs. If you plan to let people RSVP on your site, simply add a printed sentence at the bottom of your reply card sent with your invitation saying, “You may also reply by way of our wedding Web site:”
Don’t list your Web site on your invitation. This may be tempting, but refrain. There are plenty of other ways to let people know about the site, such as including the Web address on other items enclosed in the invitation packet, such as the response card or maps.
Keep it Simple. A few well-designed pages will speak volumes.
Keep personal info private. Some pre-designed Web templates prompt you to type in personal details such as when you shared your first kiss, what you did on your first date, and so on. This may be good fodder for the bachelor(ette) party, but there is no need to share such intimate moments with your entire guest list – and anyone else who may stumble across your site. Keep your postings tasteful and inclusive.
Don’t put the emphasis on gift registries. It is fine to post links to various on-line gift registries on your home page. This is one of the conveniences of your site. It is important to strike a balance between discretion and a desire to make things easier for your guests. Place such links to the side of the page in modestly sized type.
Don’t overlook your unwired guests. Remember, not everyone has ready access to the Internet. If you know that a certain invited guest is not connected to the Web, be sure to send hard copies of any pertinent information.
After the wedding. You can use your site after the wedding to post wedding and honeymoon pictures, anecdotes and a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all. This thank you does not replace the individual thank you notes that must be handwritten. "
There are a lot of great sites out there that will guide you through the process of building your own wedsite. These are 2 of our favs:

nearlyweds! is one of the web's top rated wedding websites. We love it because they have teamed up with Wedding Paper Divas so you can customize your wedsite to match your invitation suite.
One of wonderful clients, Melissa, used weddingwindow and I am so impressed with her site! They have a multitude of customizable designs and with your wedsite you have access to save-the-date e-cards, blog capabilities, planning tools and much more!